Job Title: Youth Program Coordinator – Pride Microfinance Uganda Jobs 2021

Organization: Pride Microfinance Uganda Limited

Job Location: Uganda

Reports to: Credit  Supervisor



Pride Microfinance Uganda Limited Profile:

Pride Microfinance Limited (MDI) (Pride) is the leading Microfinance Deposit Taking Institution in Uganda with 34 networked branches and 10 contact offices countrywide, an equal opportunity employer and regulated by Bank of Uganda under the MDI Act, 2003.



Job Summary:

He/  she  will  be  responsible  for  administrating  the  coordination,  mobilizing  and  facilitating  of  the  Pride  Youth  Inclusion  Program  in  accordance  to  Pride  Microfinance  Limited  (MDI)  set  policies,  procedures  and  practices.



Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Management  and  coordination  of  the  program  recruitment  process  of  the  enrollees  into  the  Youth  Inclusion  Program.
  • Identify  areas  for  process  improvements  and  make  recommendations  to  ensure  quality  and  sustainability  of  the  youth  skills  development  program.
  • Handle  the  activities  of  the  Youth  Inclusion  Program;  including  skills  development,  uptake  of  the  youth  loans  and  savings  products  to  ensure  smoothing  running  of  the  program.
  • Developing  new  programs  to  support  the  strategic  direction  of  the  Youth  In-clusion  Program.
  • Review  and  resolve  queries  and  com-plaints  in  order  to  maintain  quality  service  delivery  to  the  Youth.
  • Seek  potential  partnerships  and  work  with  different  consultancies  in  ensuring  functionality  of  the  Youth  Programme.
  • Developing  a  budget  and  operating  plan  for  the  program.
  • Monitor  and  evaluate  program  strengths  and  identify  areas  for  improvement.
  • Writing  program  funding  proposals  to  guarantee  uninterrupted  delivery  of  services.
  • Managing  risks  and  taking  corrective  measurement.
  • Managing  stakeholders  regarding  project  issues  and  decisions  on  services.
  • Timely  reporting  on  program  status  throughout  its  life  cycle.
  • Developing  and  managing  the  main  program  documentations  including;  the  program  curriculum,  project  initiation  document,  projects  etc.
  • Monitor  program  performance  to  ensure  that  the  set  program  targets  and  goals  are  achieved.
  • Follow  up  on  audit,  supervisory  and  compliance  findings  and  implement  the  recommendations  there  from.
  • Perform  any  other  duties  as  maybe  assigned  from  time  to  time.



Minimum Qualifications:

  • Bachelor’s  Degree  in  Business  Ad-ministration,  Social  Sciences,  Business  Development  or  related  field.
  • At  least  2  years’  experience  in  project  management.
  • Certified  Professional  Trainer.
  • Master’s  degree  and  experience  in  banking  are  added  advantages.
  • Competency  in  Microsoft  applications  including  Word,  Excel,  power  point  &  Outlook.
  • Should  not  be  more  than  35  years  of  age



How To Apply for Pride Microfinance Uganda Jobs 2021

If you meet the above requirements, please visit our website and apply online:

Click here to apply

Deadline: 30th October 2021



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