Job Title: Fresher Technical Officer HIV /AIDS & TB – Johns Hopkins Uganda Jobs 2021

Organization: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs (CCP)

Duty Station:  Kampala, Uganda

Project Funding Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID/Uganda)

Reports to: Technical Specialist HIV AIDS / TB



Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs (CCP) Profile

Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs (CCP) is a leader in strategic communication and research that facilitates access to information and exchange of knowledge to improve health.  CCP has more than 60 projects that employ staff in more than 40 countries around the world.  CCP has unparalleled experience as a global center for Social and Behavioral Change excellence.  Through its projects, CCP harnesses the power of social and behavior change communication to encourage the adoption of healthy behaviors in the projects implemented worldwide.

About USAID SBCA Project: 

The Social and Behavioral Change Activity (SBCA) is a five-year program implemented through a cooperative agreement between the United States Agency for International Development (USAID/Uganda) and Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs (CCP). The vision of USAID’s Social and Behavioral Change Activity is a Uganda where individuals and communities are not just healthy, but resilient, supported by strong adaptable systems and institutions to lead productive lives.  The SBC Activity supports the Government of Uganda (GoU) and US government (USG) implementing partners to design and implement Social and behavioral Change (SBC) communication initiatives that   contribute towards reduction in Maternal and Child mortality, Malaria prevalence, Total Fertility rate, new HIV infections, TB prevalence and improved Nutrition out comes, resilience and improved SBC systems and expertise.



Job Summary

The Technical Officer HIV / AIDs & TB (T0 – HIV/ AIDS& T.B) will support the Technical Specialist HIV & TB to provide Social Behavioral Change (SBC) related technical assistance and capacity strengthening to the Ministry of Health (MoH) Health Promotion and Education Division (HPE&C), AIDS Control Program, Uganda AIDS Commission and USG implementing partners. The position will contribute towards Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) and Quality Improvement outputs of the SBC Activity. This position reports to the Technical Specialist HIV AIDS / TB.



Roles and Responsibilities:

Under the supervision of the USAID SBCA Technical Specialist HIV/ AIDS &TB, the Technical Officer HIV /AIDS &TB will perform the following key duties:

  • Support the Technical Specialist HIV & TB to provide day to day technical assistance and capacity strengthening to USG IPS, MOH, UAC and NTLP in the implementation of HIV/ AIDS and TB SBC initiatives that are aligned to national priorities and guidelines.
  • Support the Technical Specialist HIV &TB in the design and development of SBC strategies, materials, approaches and tools that ensure inclusion of relevant HIV/ AIDS and TB National priorities.
  • Support the Technical Specialist HIV & TB in the rollout of the Integrated SBC platform at national and subnational levels.
  • Support the Technical Specialist HIV & TB to cultivate and manage relationships with USG HIV Implementing partners, the Ministry of Health, AIDS control Program, Uganda AIDS commission, National TB and LeprosyControl Program(NTLP) and relevant Technical Working Groups.
  • Participate in HIV AIDS / TB technical working groups and events led by MOH and UAC and ensure SBC is a key item on the agenda.
  • Document and share lessons learnt from implementing HIV/AIDS and TB SBC interventions.
  • Support the Technical Specialist HIV & TB to document SBC partner technical assistance requests and regularly track progress made towards delivering on commitments.
  • Support the Technical Specialist HIV/ AIDS & TB to draft regular portfolio updates for sharing in various fora including MOH TWG and USG IP meetings.
  • Draft Activity, quarterly and annual reports for the SBCA HIV AIDS & TB program
  • Provide support towards planning and implementation for HIV /AIDS & TB field activities including workshops and events.
  • Assist with other activities as directed by the supervisor.



Minimum Qualifications

Minimum Qualifications:

  • The ideal candidate must hold a degree in either communication, social sciences or public health
  • Two years of experience progressively working with in the area of Health communication.
  • Previous work experience with USAID funded projects in the area of HIV AIDS and TB.
  • Uganda national.

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities:

  • Experience working in a collaborative setting involving Government, partners, donors, and NGOs.
  • Ability to work in a fast-paced environment.
  • Self-starterwith the ability to deliver with minimal supervision in a highly collaborative, team-based environment.
  • Demonstrated experience in writing technical documents
  • Excellent verbal communication skills.
  • Working knowledge of MS packages including PowerPoint and Excel
  • Good interpersonal and networking skills.



How To Apply for Johns Hopkins Uganda Jobs 2021

All candidates are encouraged to submit e-mail applications to with copies of current CV, cover letter and three professional referees. Please indicate which position you are applying for in the subject line of the email.

Deadline: 5th August 2021



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