Job Title: 2 Fresher Community Engagement Officers – Doctors with Africa CUAMM Jobs 2021

Organization: Doctors with Africa CUAMM

Job Location: Karamoja



Doctors with Africa CUAMM Profile:

In partnership with UNICEF, Doctors with Africa CUAMM is starting a health intervention in Karamoja titled: “Health System Strengthening for improved Access and Use of Quality Integrated Maternal, Neonatal, Child and Adolescent Health, Nutrition and HIV services in Karamoja.”. The project has the following outputs: 1. Strengthened district leadership and capacity for planning, coordination, capacity building and service delivery with improved implementation and monitoring of Maternal, Neonatal, Child and Adolescent Health, Nutrition and HIV integrated services in 9 districts of Karamoja sub-region; 2. Improved preparedness and response to public health emergencies and to critical child health services in the context of hydro-meteorological Emergencies; 3. Improved health facility capacity to provide integrated quality maternal, neonatal, child, adolescent, HIV and Nutrition services; 4. Improved community engagement for behavioral change, demand generation and utilization of integrated RMCAH, HIV and Nutrition Services



Roles and Responsibilities:

Will support the Risk Communication and Community Engagement actions in the context of public health emergency through promoting timely information dissemination, direct engagement with affected populations, enhance interpersonal communication and use of community-led solutions to mitigate and prevent the public health emergencies including COVID-19 prevention and vaccination awareness and behavioral change.



Minimum Qualifications

  • Required to have a Bachelor’s degree in sociology, social work and social administration, community development, development studies or related courses, at least 1 years’ experience in SBCC programming.
  • Ability to speak one or more Karamoja languages.



How To Apply for Doctors with Africa CUAMM Jobs 2021

Process: Send 1. Summary Application Form, 2. CV and 3. Application Letter only, to  with the subject “CUAMM-UNICEF Applications 2021 April, job applied”. E.g “CUAMM-UNICEF Applications 2021 April, Administrative Officer Summary Application Form can be downloaded from
Inquiries can be made through Phone: 041- 4267585/508; 0312260097. The rest of the documents will be requested later.

Deadline: 30th April 2021 at 5:00 pm



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