Job Title: 4 Psycho-Social Worker – HIF Uganda Jobs 2021
Organization: Humanity & Inclusion (Handicap International Federation)
Job Location: Madi Okollo District (Rhino and Imvepi settlements)
Reports to: Project Manager
Humanity & Inclusion (Handicap International Federation) Profile:
Handicap International Federation (operating under the name Humanity & Inclusion) is an independent and impartial aid and development organisation working in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. We work alongside disabled and vulnerable people to help meet their essential needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights.
HI Uganda Mission with funding from Directorate-General for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid (DGD), is going to implement the BAHIA project (Agile response by the Belgian Alliance for Humanitarian International Action to control the spread of COVID-19 and mitigate its multi-dimensional effects on humanitarian crisis) in West-Nile settlements of Imvepi and omugo extension. BAHIA is a consortia project comprising of 7 organisations of OXFAM which is the lead, PLAN, Belgian Red Cross/Flanders RC, MDM, Caritas, HI BAHIA will contribute to the preparedness and response to the primary and secondary impacts of COVID-19 by promoting public health and supporting the protection of vulnerable populations from contamination to COVID-19 as well as increased protection risks while restoring their dignity and capacity to meet their basic needs.
Job Profile:
The Stores Assistant will be responsible for ensuring efficient and effective management of the company stores including raw materials, packing materials and finished goods.
Roles and Responsibilities:
Ensure planning and field coordination of project activities with internal and external stakeholders
- Participate in the monthly HI activity planning meetings
- Develop daily, weekly and monthly field activity plans
- Participate in field activities with the project team,
- Implement field activities in collaboration with other consortium partners respecting the referral pathway.
- Implement, facilitate and follow-up, on a daily basis, the project activities in accordance with the project implementation plans.
In coordination with consortium partners and HI settlement team including team leader, the PSS worker will assess
- PSS needs of beneficiaries, families and/or caretakers identified under the project;
- Conduct home visits to survivors of COVID 19 and their families/caretakers,
- Identify psychosocial needs of affected families and survivors
- Fill the different assessments and referral forms according to the assessment’s criteria;
- According to the outcomes of the assessment of the beneficiaries’ needs (taking into account her/his daily activities, the participation of her/his care-giver, his/her access to services, etc.), elaborate an appropriate action.
Offer secure and appropriate psychosocial support
- Provide psychosocial services based on the informed consent of the beneficiary and adapted to her/his needs, taking into account the limitations of the emergency responses;
- Actively involve the beneficiaries and their caregivers at all stages of the assessment and response, in order to ensure the relevance and sustainability of the intervention
- Detect any evolution of the cases and will modify the action plan accordingly or refer to relevant colleague, superior or stakeholders;
- Use secure and respectful methods when working with beneficiary;
- Ensure a proper follow up of the cases;
- Ensure the responsibility of the service provided to the beneficiary;
- Provide appropriate psychosocial sessions through family, groups and individual based approaches in coordination with relevant services based on the specific situation of the person
- Use various communication means (written, spoken, etc.) during activities to ensure the self-expression of the beneficiaries
- Identify his/her own limits and ask for support before any acts that could cause harm to beneficiary.
Refer beneficiary to other services when needed:
- Identify needs for referrals to other relevant stakeholders and monitor referrals conducted in relationship with, the program manager and the relevant Technical Advisor (MHPSS, Rehabilitation, Health, Cash or another);
- Refer persons to appropriate services through adequate referral system in place. Referrals can be discussed in team meetings and in close collaboration with others colleagues;
- Recognize emergency situation or situations that need immediate medical care or protection measure and react in consequence making efforts to ensure that beneficiary get the appropriate services.
Participate in the data collection and MEAL activities of the projectIn close collaboration with the MEAL team:
- Maintain complete data for each person, including detailed descriptions of services provided and evolution of the case;
- Respect all guidelines and documentation within the project;
- Produce weekly activity reports and contribute in the development of project reports using HI Uganda MEAL templates
- Maintain complete documentation for each activity following the recommendations and template of the project manager
- Contribute to the development of the Program Managers activity reports
- Participate in project review workshops
- Respect of HI identity, rules and policies
- In coordination with the Human resources manager and the Operations Manager
- Know, understand, apply and respect HI code of conduct and ethics, HI mandate and values, HI rules and operating procedure, HI policies (child protection policy, policy and mechanism for the prevention of and fight against bribery, the protection of beneficiaries from sexual exploitation and abuse policy) and make sure they are known, understood, applied and respected by its team
- Know, understand, apply and respect HI security rules and make sure they are known, understood and applied by her/his team
Minimum Qualifications:
Skills and Experience:
- The applicant must have completed studies in community psychology, social work, developmental studies, counselling, community development. Theoretical and practical knowledge and skills in Mental health and psychosocial support.
- Other relevant Bachelor Degrees if proven experience in Psychosocial, mental health and disability inclusion.
- One year of professional experience in an NGO in refugee context or community development work
- Experience in the fields of inclusion / accessibility of services / services to persons with disabilities
- Experience working in refugee context
- Strong comprehension of the psychosocial issues of people with disabilities
- Proven project activity implementation skills in collaboration with stakeholders
- Perfect fluency in written and oral English and strong report writing skills;
- Familiar with MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) and internet
- Fluently written and spoken local languages
- Knowledge of the MHPSS and Disability Sectors in Uganda
Personal Qualities:
- Ability to work under high pressure;
- Strong interpersonal and intercultural skills
- Strong communication and networking skills
- Strong interest in the fields related to HI mandate
- Strong team player and ability to work independently
- Ability to work under high pressure and without constant supervision;
- Strong interpersonal and intercultural skills
- Strong communication and networking skills
- Strong interest in the fields related to HI mandate
- Strong team player and ability to work independently
How To Apply for HIF Uganda Jobs 2021
If you feel you meet the requirements, please send an updated CV (3 pages max, including three professional referees current and/or past line managers) with a cover letter as One Document (DO NOT ATTACH CERTIFICATES) to HR department at indicating the position applied for.
Deadline: 23rd April 2021
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